Relationship Issues

Long-term commitments are made by individuals out of affection to prove they are in a relationship. Partners often spend time together, sharing resources, and supporting each other when needed. A relationship that has been officially recognized in a community is called a marriage.

The foundation of marriage has evolved, having a huge impact on people’s expectations and desires for marriage. As relationships and marriage still hold a lot of importance in most individuals’ lives, many are likely to delay marriage until they are absolutely sure they want to commit to the relationship.

Yet delayed marriages are not the only cause of the lower marriage rates. In today’s culture, it is noted that marriage is no longer seen as a prerequisite for having sex, living together, or raising children. Many people, especially younger ones, often see marriage as an optional show of commitment.

A person may feel cynical about marriage due to the rising divorce rates while another may hesitate to tie their financial future to a lover with expensive needs. It is also possible that they had a traumatic childhood and are not ready for commitments. In addition, with the stigma of singlehood quickly fading, people who would have been felt pressurized into marriage before are now free to live alone.

Those who are unsure if they want to get married may sort out their feelings with a counselor.



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